Friday, June 25, 2010

Last Day in Fairbanks

Hard to believe we were wearing 6 layers on top and 3 layers on bottom just a few days ago! It's a pleasant 75º - just right for a day at Chena Lakes. The boys had a great time swimming. Elliot got out for a little while to pull a leech off his hand. Michael got a little cold, but a sand blanket took care of that!

the beach at Chena Lakes State Rec. Area

Michael caught his first Arctic Grayling around midnight last night. So many places to just pull of the road and fish!

Scott's Arctic Grayling

Elliot still trying for the fish.

While the boys fished I was busy looking for birds, taking pictures, and making sure whatever Scott heard growl at him the night before didn't eat my kids. Saw a Bohemian Waxwing and a male and female Belted Kingfisher. Lots of moose on our drive back. They like to eat the newer, tender shoots near the roads in the areas that are mowed.

Had to see the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline while here. This is a stretch of it above ground. Most of the pipeline is above ground as the temperature of the oil is over 100ºF and would melt the permafrost. In some areas the line has to run underground but special measures are taken to keep the soil cold. The line is 48 inches in diameter, 800 miles long, crosses 3 mountain ranges, and has been operational since 1977.

- a Great Horned Owl visits the trees right outside Dave and Jill's window (making the resident squirrel chirp frantically in panic mode).

Leaving Fairbanks tomorrow morning. Will stay over in Talkeetna on our way to Seward. Fairbanks has been great, and Jill and Dave are the best hosts you could ask for. Has been very nice to have a kitchen, free laundry,wireless internet, and TV for the kids. Their apartment feels like a mansion compared to the hostels we've been in. But, Dave and Jill are gone on a fishing trip and I am anxious to head south - back into the mountains and on to the sea - ready for new adventures!